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Method: projects.recordings.list

Lists the Recordings of the specified project. List returns Recordings sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have voice.recordings.list permission on the project.

HTTP request


Path parameters

parent string
The resource name of the parent of which to list recordings. May be of the form projects/*/calls/* to list the recordings of that specific call, or projects/* to list recordings across the entire project, which maps to projects/*/calls/-.

Query parameters

pageSize number (int32 format)
The maximum number of Recordings to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
pageToken string
A pagination token returned from a previous recording to ListRecordings that indicates where this listing should continue from.
view enum (RecordingView)
Configuration of partial responses. Defaults to BASIC.

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

The ListRecordings response recording.

JSON representation
  "recordings": [
      object (Recording)
  "nextPageToken": string
recordings[] object (Recording)
A possibly paginated list of Recordings that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
nextPageToken string
A pagination token returned from a previous recording to ListRecordings that indicates from where listing should continue.


Configuration of partial responses for the Recording resource.

RECORDING_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED The default / unset value. The API will default to BASIC for ListRecordings and FULL for GetRecording.
BASIC Includes all fields except [RecordingAudio.uri][enfonica.voice.v1beta1.RecordingAudio.uri]. This is the default for ListRecordings.
FULL Includes all fields. This is the default for GetRecording.