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Service enfonica.voice.v1beta1.SipDomains


rpc CreateSipDomain(CreateSipDomainRequest) returns (SipDomain)

Creates a sip domain.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.create permission on the project.
rpc DeleteSipDomain(DeleteSipDomainRequest) returns (SipDomain)

Performs a soft-delete of the specified SIP domain.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.delete permission on the project.
rpc GetSipDomain(GetSipDomainRequest) returns (SipDomain)

Retrieves a sip domain identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.get permission on the project.
rpc ListSipDomains(ListSipDomainsRequest) returns (ListSipDomainsResponse)

Lists all SipDomains. List returns sip domain sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.list permission on the project.
rpc UpdateSipDomain(UpdateSipDomainRequest) returns (SipDomain)

Updates a sip domain.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.update permission on the project.
rpc VerifyTeamsDirectRouting(VerifyTeamsDirectRoutingRequest) returns (VerifyTeamsDirectRoutingResponse)

Verifies the SIP domain with Teams Direct Routing by applying a verification string provided by Office 365.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.update permission on the project.

Resource: SipDomain

The SipDomain resource.

name string
Resource name of the sip domain. It must match the pattern projects/{project_id}/sipDomains/{sip_domain_id}
sip_domain_id string
Output only. The subdomain component of the SIP domain. This is the {sip_domain_id} value from name and is a convenience field. The FQDN of the SIP domain will be prepended to the base domain, such as

This value must be globally unique.

This must be lowercase alpha-numeric or hyphens and must start and end with an alpha-numeric character, and must be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 30 characters. This is captured in the following regular expression: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,28}[a-z0-9]$
display_name string
The display name of the sip domain for use in the UI. Max length 100 characters.
allow_register boolean
Whether REGISTER is supported for users.
call_termination_mode TerminationMode
How call termination will be handled. This can be configured to act as a simple SIP trunk, or as a programmable SIP domain.
call_termination_handler_uris[] string
List of URIs in priority order that will be executed for call termination. This is only used when call_termination_mode is PROGRAMMABLE.

The first URI is the primary, and the subsequent URIs are used in order if the previous URIs fail.

The following URIs are supported: - absolute http and https URIs.

Additional URIs may be supported in the future.

Maximum 5 URIs.

At least one entry must be specified when call_termination_mode is PROGRAMMABLE.
cidr_blocks[] CidrBlock
A list of up to 100 IP blocks that are permitted to use this SIP domain.

How authorization works changes based on this whitelist and users: - If this list is empty and there are no users defined, the SIP domain cannot be used. - If this list is specified and there are no users defined, any IP that matches the whitelist can place calls without authentication. - If this list is specified and users are defined, user authentication is required and can only occur when their IP matches this whitelist.

If you have requested Enfonica to set domain_optional to true, then you cannot modify this field and it becomes read-only.

call_recording CallRecordingConfig
The configuration of call recording and transcription. If not set, then call recording is disabled.
type DomainType
Immutable. The type of SIP domain. Defaults to STANDARD. Can only be set on Create.
channel_limit int32
The maximum number of simultaneous calls allowed over this SIP domain. This is only applicable to Teams Direct Routing, and is ignored for other types of SIP domains. Note that support for other types of SIP domains may be added in the future.

For Teams Direct Routing, you will be billed based on your channel limit. To avoid being billed, you must delete the SIP domain.

For Teams Direct Routing: Valid values: 1 to 100. Defaults to 1.
teams_direct_routing_status TeamsDirectRoutingStatus
Output only. The status of Teams Direct Routing. Only set if type is TEAMS_DIRECT_ROUTING.
fqdn string
Output only. The FQDN associated with this SIP domain.
create_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The creation time of the sip domain.
delete_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The deletion time of the sip domain, if it has been deleted.
domain_optional boolean
Output only. For call termination, whether specifying the domain name is optional. This flag must be enabled by Enfonica support.

If true, then calls can be made to Enfonica SIP IP addresses without specifying the domain name. The IP networks in cidr_blocks are used to match calls to this SIP domain. Having this functionality enabled also prohibits you from modifying cidr_blocks. To modify cidr_blocks with this functionality enabled, you must contact Enfonica support.

If false (default), calls must be made using the domain name and you have full access to modify cidr_blocks.


The configuration of how a call is recorded and transcribed.

You need to comply with certain laws and regulations, including those regarding obtaining consent to record. Enfonica recommends that you consult with your legal counsel to make sure that you are complying with all applicable laws in connection with communications you record or store using Enfonica.

trigger CallRecordingTrigger
Whether to record the call, and the event that should trigger recording to start. Defaults to DISABLED.
post_processing[] PostProcessing
What post processing to perform on the recording. Defaults to NONE.
recording_ready_uri string
The absolute URI where the recording ready webhook should be sent.
transcribe TranscribeOption
Whether to transcribe the call. If transcription is enabled, call recording must also be enabled. Defaults to DISABLED.
transcription_ready_uri string
The absolute URI where the transcription ready webhook should be sent.


Repesents a block of IPv4 addresses.

display_name string
The display name of this CIDR block. May be up to 100 characters in length.
cidr_block string
The block of IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation.


Type of SIP domain.

DOMAIN_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified domain type.
DOMAIN_TYPE_TEAMS_DIRECT_ROUTING SIP domain configured for interoperability with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. For Teams Direct Routing SIP domains, the following behavior changes apply: - cidr_blocks is read-only and will be auto-populated. - the LoadBalancer sub-resource is read-only and will be auto-populated. - domain_optional will always be false. - channel_limit applies and you will be billed.


Call termination modes.

TERMINATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified termination mode.
TERMINATION_MODE_DISABLED Call termination is not permitted.
PSTN_TRUNK Calls to this SIP domain will be routed over the PSTN.
PROGRAMMABLE Calls to this SIP domain will be handled by a VoiceML endpoint.


The Teams Direct Routing Status.

verified boolean
Whether verification has been performed to verify the ownership of the SIP domain with Office 365.


The trigger to start call recording.

CALL_RECORDING_TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified recording trigger.
DISABLED Recording is disabled.
ANSWER Recording will begin when the call is answered.
BRIDGE Recording will begin when the call is bridged. This won't include any messages or menus played before the call was bridged. This is useful if you want to record only conversations.


Post processing options.

POST_PROCESSING_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified post processing.
TRIM_SILENCE Trim silence from the start and end of the audio.


How transcription should operate.

TRANSCRIBE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified transcribe option.
DISABLED Transcription is disabled.
DEFAULT Transcribe using Enfonica's default transcription provider.


Request to create a new sip domain.

parent string
Required. The project under which to create the sip domain in the form projects/*.
sip_domain SipDomain
Required. The sip domain resource to be created.
sip_domain_id string
Required. The subdomain component of the SIP domain. This is the {sip_domain_id} value from name and can only be set on create. The FQDN of the SIP domain will be

This value must be globally unique. If the identifier already exists, the create method will fail with ALREADY_EXISTS.

This must be lowercase alpha-numeric or hyphens and must start and end with an alpha-numeric character, and must be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 30 characters. This is captured in the following regular expression: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,28}[a-z0-9]$ Can only be set on create.


The GetSipDomain request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the sip domain to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.


The ListSipDomains request.

parent string
Required. The project under which to list sip domain, in the form projects/*.
page_size int32
The maximum number of sip domain to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListSipDomains that indicates where this listing should continue from.
show_deleted boolean
Whether to include deleted sip domains in the response. Defaults to false.


The ListSipDomains response.

sip_domains[] SipDomain
A possibly paginated list of sip domain that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListSipDomains that indicates from where listing should continue.


The request message for updating a SIP domain's properties.

sip_domain SipDomain
Required. The new definition of the SipDomain.
update_mask google.protobuf.FieldMask
Fields to be updated.


The DeleteSipDomain request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the sip domain to be deleted. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.


The VerifyTeamsDirectRouting request message.

sip_domain string
Required. The resource name of the SIP domain to verify. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.
txt_record_value string
Required. The value of the DNS TXT verification. Maximum length of 100 characters. Must match the pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9=]+$.


The VerifyTeamsDirectRouting response message.

This type has no fields.