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Service enfonica.voice.v1beta1.SipInfoService


rpc GetSipInfo(GetSipInfoRequest) returns (SipInfo)

Retrieves SIP information about the specified SIP call. If the call is not a SIP call, throws NOT_FOUND. If the call has not yet completed, throws FAILED_PRECONDITION. If the SIP call was created greater than 30 days ago, returns NOT_FOUND.

The caller must have voice.calls.get permission on the project.

Resource: SipInfo

The SipInfo resource. This represents information about a SIP call.

name string
Resource name of the sip_info. It is of the form projects/*/calls/*/sipInfo
start_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
The time that the SIP dialog started.
end_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
The time that the SIP dialog ended.
messages[] SipMessage
The messages, in chronological order, that form the SIP dialog.
sip_call_id string
The Call-ID of the SIP call.
pcap bytes
The PCAP file data.


A SIP message that is part of a dialog.

offset_duration google.protobuf.Duration
The offset relative to the start_time that this message was sent/received.
source_ip string
The source IP where the message originated.
source_port int32
The source port where the message originated.
destination_ip string
The destination IP where the message was sent.
destination_port int32
The destination port where the message was sent.
method string
The method or response code. For example, "INVITE" or "100".
request_line string
The full request line. For example, "100 Trying".
data string
The entire contents of the SIP packet, including the request line, headers and body.


The GetSipInfo request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the SipInfo to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/calls/*/sipInfo.