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Usage Guidelines for Node.js Client Libraries

This document shows you how to use the Enfonica client libraries in a Node.js environment, including how to import the libraries, creating and closing a client instance and recommendations when calling API methods. Examples will use the @enfonica/messaging node module.

The Enfonica Node.js client libraries use google-gax1 as its transport layer and are heavily inspired by Google Cloud TypeScript libraries. The client libraries are generated using Google Cloud API tooling and use gRPC under the hood.

Importing the library


const messaging = require('@enfonica/messaging');


import * as messaging from '@enfonica/messaging';

Managing the API client

Initialize a client instance:

const messagesClient = new messaging.MessagesClient();

We recommend you create the client instance once and reuse it rather than creating a new client instance for every API call. This will greatly improve the performance of API calls.

If the instance is no longer required, you should call close(). If you take the recommended approach and reuse the client for the lifetime of your application, you do not need to call close().


Calling API methods

We recommended client methods be used with async / await:

const [response] = await messagesClient.getMessage(request);


We recommend using the *Async list methods when you require paging. These methods return an asynchronous iterator that can be iterated using a for await loop. For example, if you need a list of messages you can use listMessagesAsync which can be used like this:

const iterable = messagesClient.listMessagesAsync(request);
for await (const response of iterable) {
  // process response