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Method: projects.phoneNumberInstances.move

Moves the phone number instance to another project.

Warning: moving a phone number instance may cause the current configuration of the phone number instance to stop working. Any connected flows or SIP domains will need to be reconfigured in the destination project. Any programmable handler will need to accept the signing key of the destination project.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.move permission on both the source and destination projects.

HTTP request


Path parameters

name string
The name of the phone number instance to move. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.

Request body

The MovePhoneNumberInstance request message.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "destinationParent": string,
  "regulatoryListing": string
name string
Required. The name of the phone number instance to move. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.
destinationParent string
Required. The new parent project to move the phone number instance to. Must be of the form projects/*.
regulatoryListing string
Output only. The regulatory listing in the destination project to associate with this phone number instance. The requirements for regulatory listings varies depending on the region and type of phone number. Of the form projects/*/regulatoryListings/*.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of PhoneNumberInstance.