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Service enfonica.numbering.v1beta1.PhoneNumbers


rpc SearchPhoneNumbers(SearchPhoneNumbersRequest) returns (SearchPhoneNumbersResponse)

Searches available phone numbers with the specified filters.

Search returns phone numbers sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must be authenticated.

Resource: PhoneNumber

The PhoneNumber resource.

name string
Resource name of the phone number. It must match the pattern phoneNumbers/*
phone_number string
The phone number, in +E164 format.
capabilities[] PhoneNumberCapability
The capabilities of the phone number.
sku string
The SKU that will be used to bill the phone number for the monthly service charge. In the form services/*/skus/*. Output only.
activation_sku string
The SKU that will be used to bill the phone number for the once-off activation charge. In the form services/*/skus/*. If not set, there is no activation charge. Output only.
number_type PhoneNumberType
The type of phone number.
country_code string
The alpha-2 country code that identifies the country associated with the phone number.


A capability of a phone number.

PHONE_NUMBER_CAPABILITY_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified phone number capability.
SMS The phone number is capable of SMS.
MMS The phone number is capable of MMS.
VOICE The phone number is capable of voice.


The type of phone number.

PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified phone number type.
LOCAL The phone number is a local phone number and corresponds to a specific geography within a country.
NATIONAL The phone number is a national phone number and is independent of geography within a country.
MOBILE The phone number is a mobile-only phone number and is independent of geography within a country.
TOLL_FREE The phone number is a toll-free number, where the caller can call the number typically without any cost to the caller.
SHARED_RATE The phone number is a shared-rate number, where both the caller and holder of the phone number both typically share in the cost of calls to the phone number.


The SearchPhoneNumbers request.

page_size int32
The maximum number of PhoneNumbers to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to SearchPhoneNumbers that indicates where this listing should continue from.
number_type PhoneNumber.PhoneNumberType
The type of phone number.
country_code string
Required. The alpha-2 country code that identifies the country associated with the phone number.
prefix string
The prefix that the number must have after the country code. If the prefix starts with '0', it will be automatically removed.
supports_voice boolean
If true, the phone number must support voice.
supports_sms boolean
If true, the phone number must support SMS.
supports_mms boolean
If true, the phone number must support MMS.


The SearchPhoneNumbers response.

phone_numbers[] PhoneNumber
A possibly paginated list of PhoneNumbers.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to SearchPhoneNumbers that indicates from where listing should continue.