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Campaigns are used to design and send SMS campaigns to your customers. Sent campaigns also make reporting data available such as delivery and click-through rates.

Designing a campaign

A campaign can be configured with the following fields:

Field Description
Display name An internal use name for the campaign, for your reference only.
Campaign type The type of campaign being sent. Select marketing if the campaign is of promotional nature, or transactional otherwise.
Contact list The contact list to send the campaign to.
From The sender ID to use for the campaign. This is either an alphanumeric sender ID or one of your SMS-enabled phone numbers.
Unsubscribe phone number For marketing campaigns with an alphanumeric sender (such as a branded text), you must specify a phone number to use for opt-out STOP replies.
Link tracking Enable link tracking to automatically shorten URLs and track clicks.
Body The body of the message that your recipients will receive.
Schedule When the campaign will be sent.

Using AI to help write campaigns

If you get stuck for ideas or just want some creative suggestions, click the Generate ideas button when composing your campaign. Fill out some or all of the sentence prompts and our natural language processing AI will generate creative ideas for your campaign.


A campaign can be scheduled to be sent immediately or at a later time.


The campaign body can utilize tags to personalize the campaign to your selected contacts. The most common tag is {FirstName}, which will insert the first name of your contact.

If any contacts are missing a value for the tag, you can specify a default value as in the following example.

Hi {FirstName:friend}!

In the example, if FirstName is set it will be used (eg "Hi Bob!"), and if it's not set, the default will be used (eg "Hi friend!").


You can insert emojis into your texts by using the Emojis button. When you insert emojis and other special characters, your campaign will be sent as Unicode which can increase the cost to send each SMS.

Billing of SMS

When composing your campaign, the interface will let you know approximately how many chargeable SMS your campaign will consume per recipient. In general, when your SMS is longer or uses special characters such as emojis, it can cost more to send.

When you preview your campaign on the final step of the campaign builder, the total cost of sending the campaign will be calculated for you.

Accessing reporting

Once you send your campaign, you can access reporting metrics including:

  • SMS sent
  • SMS delivered and delivery rate
  • Contacts unsubscribed
  • Clicks, unique clicks and click-through rate
  • Cost information