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To call this service, we recommend that you use a supported Enfonica client library. If a client library is not available in your language or framework of choice, or if you need to write your own client, use the following information when you make API requests.

Service endpoint

Cloud SMS has the following service endpoint and all URIs in the Cloud SMS REST API reference are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v1.projects.messages

create POST /v1/{parent}/messages
Creates a Message and queues it for sending. Returns the created message.

The caller must have messaging.messages.create permission on the project.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a Message identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have messaging.messages.get permission on the project.
list GET /v1/{parent}/messages
Lists the Messages of the specified project. List returns Messages sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have messaging.messages.list permission on the project.

REST Resource: v1.projects.unsubscribers

create POST /v1/{parent}/unsubscribers
Creates an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.create permission on the project.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a Unsubscriber identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.get permission on the project.
list GET /v1/{parent}/unsubscribers
Lists the Unsubscribers of the specified project. List returns Unsubscribers sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.list permission on the project.
update PATCH /v1/{}
Updates an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.update permission on the project.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.delete permission on the project.