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Service enfonica.voice.v1beta1.Transcriptions


rpc DeleteTranscription(DeleteTranscriptionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty)

Deletes a transcription.

The caller must have voice.transcriptions.delete permission on the project.
rpc GetTranscription(GetTranscriptionRequest) returns (Transcription)

Retrieves a Transcription identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have voice.transcriptions.get permission on the project.
rpc ListTranscriptions(ListTranscriptionsRequest) returns (ListTranscriptionsResponse)

Lists the Transcriptions of the specified project. List returns Transcriptions sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have voice.transcriptions.list permission on the project.

Resource: Transcription

The Transcription resource.

name string
Resource name of the transcription. It must match the pattern projects/*/calls/*/transcriptions/*. The call will always refer to the parent leg of a two-leg call.
recording string
The recording that this transcription was created from, of the form projects/*/calls/*/recordings/*.
state State
Output only. The state of the transcription.
duration google.protobuf.Duration
Output only. The duration of the audio (of one channel). The total duration that is billable is duration * channel_count.
channel_count int32
Output only. The number of channels included in the transcription.
create_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The creation time of the transcription. This is the time that the transcription resource was created.
update_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The last time this resource was modified. If state is COMPLETED or FAILED, this will be the time that the resource transitioned into that state.
ready_uri string
The URI to send the transcription ready webhook to when the state transitions to a terminal state (SUCCEEDED, FAILED). Must be an absolute URI.
utterances[] Utterance
Output only. The spoken utterances, ordered by when they were spoken in the recording.


The state of the transcription.

STATE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified state.
PENDING The audio has not yet been transcribed.
COMPLETED The audio has been transcribed.
FAILED The transcription failed.


An utterance that was spoken.

channel int32
Which channel this utterance was spoken on. For dual channel recordings, 0 is the parent call and 1 is the child call.
offset google.protobuf.Duration
The offset from the start of the recording that this utterance was spoken.
duration google.protobuf.Duration
The duration of this utterance.
text string
What was spoken. This includes punctuation.


The GetTranscription request transcription.

name string
Required. The resource name of the Transcription to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/calls/*/transcriptions/*.
view TranscriptionView
Configuration of partial responses. Defaults to FULL.


Configuration of partial responses for the Transcription resource.

TRANSCRIPTION_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED The default / unset value. The API will default to BASIC for ListTranscriptions and FULL for GetTranscription.
TRANSCRIPTION_VIEW_BASIC Includes all fields except [utterances][enfonica.voice.v1beta1.Transcription.utterances]. This is the default for ListTranscriptions.
TRANSCRIPTION_VIEW_FULL Includes all fields. This is the default for GetTranscription.


The ListTranscriptions request transcription.

parent string
Required. The resource name of the parent of which to list transcriptions. May be of the form projects/*/calls/* to list the transcriptions of that specific call, or projects/* to list transcriptions across the entire project, which maps to projects/*/calls/-.
page_size int32
The maximum number of Transcriptions to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous transcription to ListTranscriptions that indicates where this listing should continue from.
view TranscriptionView
Configuration of partial responses. Defaults to BASIC.


The ListTranscriptions response transcription.

transcriptions[] Transcription
A possibly paginated list of Transcriptions that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous transcription to ListTranscriptions that indicates from where listing should continue.


The DeleteTranscription request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the Transcription to be deleted. Must be of the form projects/*/calls/*/transcription/*.