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REST Resource: projects.calls.recordings

Resource: Recording

The Recording resource. This represents a recording, which can either be a recording of a small section of the call (eg recorded using the action), or a recording of an entire call.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "state": enum (State),
  "source": enum (Source),
  "duration": string (Duration),
  "channelCount": number (int32),
  "postProcessing": [
    enum (PostProcessing)
  "errorCode": enum (ErrorCode),
  "audio": [
      object (RecordingAudio)
  "startTime": string (Timestamp),
  "createTime": string (Timestamp),
  "readyUri": string
name string
Resource name of the recording. It must match the pattern projects/*/calls/*/recordings/*. The call will always refer to the parent leg of a two-leg call.
state enum (State)
Output only. The state of the recording.
source enum (Source)
The source of the recording. This lets you know what triggered the recording to begin. This cannot be set by users.
duration string (Duration format)
Output only. The duration of the recording, after any post processing. This is only set when the state is SUCCEEDED.
channelCount number (int32 format)
Output only. The number of channels that have been recorded.
postProcessing[] enum (PostProcessing)
The post processing that should be applied to the recording.
errorCode enum (ErrorCode)
Output only. When state is FAILED, an error code describing the type of error that occurred.
audio[] object (RecordingAudio)
Output only. The audio that was recorded in various formats and encodings. For non-empty, successful recordings, there should always be an audio/x-wav and audio/mpeg recording.
startTime string (Timestamp format)
Output only. The start time of the recording. This is when recording on the call started. Only set when state is SUCCEEDED.
createTime string (Timestamp format)
Output only. The creation time of the recording. This is the time that the recording resource was created. This is usually immediately before start_time, but can be afterwards if processing was delayed. Output only.
readyUri string
The URI to send the recording ready webhook to when the state transitions to a terminal state (SUCCEEDED, EMPTY, FAILED). Must be an absolute URI.


The state of the recording.

STATE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified state.
PENDING The audio is currently being recorded, or recording has finished and the audio is pending processing.
SUCCEEDED The audio has successfully been recorded.
EMPTY The audio that was recorded was completely silent.
FAILED The audio failed to be recorded due to a system error. For more information, see the value of error_code.


The source of the recording. It is anticipated that additional values will be added in the future.

SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified recording source.
RECORD_ACTION The recording was created by the <Record> action.
CALL_RECORDING The recording was created by call recording.


Error code definitions.

ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified error code.
TIMEOUT A timeout occurred, where a pending recording did not complete within the expected timeframe.
INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred while processing the recording.


get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a Recording identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have voice.recordings.get permission on the project.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/recordings
Lists the Recordings of the specified project. List returns Recordings sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have voice.recordings.list permission on the project.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a recording.

The caller must have voice.recordings.delete permission on the project.