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Contacts represent your customers and include information such as their phone number, name and other attributes that you specify. Contacts can be added to one or more contact lists which you can then use when sending campaigns.

Importing contacts

Contacts can be imported into a contact list using CSV.

The standard column names for importing contacts are as follows.

Column name Description
phone The phone number of the contact. It must be an Australian phone number. Required.
firstname The first name of the contact. Optional.
lastname The last name of the contact. Optional.

The only required column for contacts is phone.

You can include any other arbitrary columns when importing contacts. These additional columns will then be made available as tags which can be used to personalize campaigns.

If a contact already exists with the same phone number, it will be updated with the information provided in the CSV.

Managing contacts

Using the Enfonica Console, you can modify contacts, as well as add and remove them from contact lists.