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Service enfonica.messaging.v1.Unsubscribers


rpc CreateUnsubscriber(CreateUnsubscriberRequest) returns (Unsubscriber)

Creates an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.create permission on the project.
rpc DeleteUnsubscriber(DeleteUnsubscriberRequest) returns (Unsubscriber)

Deletes an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.delete permission on the project.
rpc GetUnsubscriber(GetUnsubscriberRequest) returns (Unsubscriber)

Retrieves a Unsubscriber identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.get permission on the project.
rpc ListUnsubscribers(ListUnsubscribersRequest) returns (ListUnsubscribersResponse)

Lists the Unsubscribers of the specified project. List returns Unsubscribers sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.list permission on the project.
rpc UpdateUnsubscriber(UpdateUnsubscriberRequest) returns (Unsubscriber)

Updates an unsubscriber.

The caller must have messaging.unsubscribers.update permission on the project.

Resource: Unsubscriber

The Unsubscriber resource.

name string
Resource name of the unsubscriber. It must match the pattern projects/*/unsubscribers/*
phone string
Required. The phone number of the recipient that has unsubscribed, in +E164 format. Can only be set on create.
unsubscribe_method UnsubscribeMethod
The method that was used to unsubscribe. Can only be set on create.
labels map<string, string>
The labels associated with the unsubscriber. The maximum key length is 100. The maximum value length is 1000. The maximum number of keys is 50.

Example keys: -
create_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The creation time of the unsubscriber.


The method that was used to unsubscribe.

UNSUBSCRIBE_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED Unknown unsubscribe method.
URL Unsubscribed by visiting a URL.
MESSAGE Unsubscribed by sending a message.
MANUAL A user has manually created the unsubscriber.


Request to create a new unsubscriber.

parent string
Required. The resource name of the parent project to create the unsubscriber under. Must be of the form projects/*.
unsubscriber Unsubscriber
Required. The unsubscriber resource to be created.


The GetUnsubscriber request unsubscriber.

name string
Required. The resource name of the Unsubscriber to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/unsubscribers/*.


The ListUnsubscribers request.

parent string
Required. The resource name of the parent of which to list unsubscribers. Must be of the form projects/*.
page_size int32
The maximum number of Unsubscribers to return in the response. Default value is 10 and maximum value is 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListUnsubscribers that indicates where this listing should continue from.
phone string
Only return the unsubscriber that matches the phone number exactly.


The ListUnsubscribers response.

unsubscribers[] Unsubscriber
A possibly paginated list of Unsubscribers that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListUnsubscribers that indicates from where listing should continue.


The request message for updating an unsubscriber's properties.

unsubscriber Unsubscriber
Required. The new definition of the Unsubscriber.
update_mask google.protobuf.FieldMask
Fields to be updated. Only labels can be updated.


The DeleteUnsubscriber request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the Unsubscriber to be deleted. Must be of the form projects/*/unsubscribers/*.