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Method: projects.sipDomains.verifyTeamsDirectRouting

Verifies the SIP domain with Teams Direct Routing by applying a verification string provided by Office 365.

The caller must have voice.sipDomains.update permission on the project.

HTTP request


Path parameters

sipDomain string
The resource name of the SIP domain to verify. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.

Request body

The VerifyTeamsDirectRouting request message.

JSON representation
  "sipDomain": string,
  "txtRecordValue": string
sipDomain string
Required. The resource name of the SIP domain to verify. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.
txtRecordValue string
Required. The value of the DNS TXT verification. Maximum length of 100 characters. Must match the pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9=]+$.

Response body

The VerifyTeamsDirectRouting response message.

JSON representation

This type has no fields.