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Service enfonica.numbering.v1beta1.PhoneNumberInstances


rpc CreatePhoneNumberInstance(CreatePhoneNumberInstanceRequest) returns (PhoneNumberInstance)

Creates a phone number instance. This provisions a phone number against a project.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.create permission on the project.
rpc DeletePhoneNumberInstance(DeletePhoneNumberInstanceRequest) returns (PhoneNumberInstance)

Deletes a phone number instance. This disconnects the phone number.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.delete permission on the project.
rpc GetPhoneNumberInstance(GetPhoneNumberInstanceRequest) returns (PhoneNumberInstance)

Retrieves a phone number instance identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.get permission on the project.
rpc ListPhoneNumberInstances(ListPhoneNumberInstancesRequest) returns (ListPhoneNumberInstancesResponse)

Lists all phone number instances.

List returns phone number instances sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.list permission on the project.
rpc MovePhoneNumberInstance(MovePhoneNumberInstanceRequest) returns (PhoneNumberInstance)

Moves the phone number instance to another project.

Warning: moving a phone number instance may cause the current configuration of the phone number instance to stop working. Any connected flows or SIP domains will need to be reconfigured in the destination project. Any programmable handler will need to accept the signing key of the destination project.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.move permission on both the source and destination projects.
rpc SplitRange(SplitRangeRequest) returns (SplitRangeResponse)

Splits a phone number range into two ranges.

To split a range, you specify how many numbers to keep in this range. These numbers are taken from the start of the range. The remaining numbers will be moved into a new range.

For example, if you have a range +61255501100-99 and you split it with a size of 20, then: - the original range will be modified to +61255501100-19 (size 20) - a new range will be created with +61255501120-99 (size 80)

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.splitRange permission on the project.
rpc UpdatePhoneNumberInstance(UpdatePhoneNumberInstanceRequest) returns (PhoneNumberInstance)

Updates a phone number instance.

The caller must have numbering.phoneNumberInstances.update permission on the project.

Resource: PhoneNumberInstance

The phone number instance resource.

A phone number instance represents a provisioned phone number or range of phone numbers.

name string
Resource name of the phone number instance. It must match the pattern projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*
phone_number PhoneNumber
The phone number associated with the instance. Can only be set on creation.
display_name string
The display name of the phone number for use in the UI. Max length 100 characters.
labels map<string, string>
The labels associated with the phone number. Max key length 100. Max value length 1000. Max keys 50.
incoming_message_handler_uris[] string
List of URIs in priority order where incoming messages will be sent to.

The first URI is the primary, and the subsequent URIs are used in order if the previous URIs fail. If no URIs are specified, then no action is taken when receiving messages.

Currently URIs must be fully qualified HTTP/HTTPS URLs, but this may change to include other types of URIs.

Maximum 5 URIs.
incoming_call_handler_uris[] string
List of URIs in priority order that will be executed for incoming calls.

The first URI is the primary, and the subsequent URIs are used in order if the previous URIs fail. If no URIs are specified, then no action is taken when receiving messages.

The following URIs are supported: - absolute http and https URIs. - sip URIs in the format[:port] - tel URIs in the format tel:+phone_number

Additional URIs may be supported in the future.

Maximum 5 URIs.
call_recording_trigger RecordingTrigger
The trigger that will start call recording.

You need to comply with certain laws and regulations, including those regarding obtaining consent to record. Enfonica recommends that you consult with your legal counsel to make sure that you are complying with all applicable laws in connection with communications you record or store using Enfonica.

Defaults to DISABLED.
create_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The creation time of the phone number instance.
delete_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The deletion time of the phone number instance, if it has been deleted.
activate_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The time when the phone number instance became active. For a phone number purchased from inventory, this should match create_time. For a phone number that was ported in, this will be the time when the port in was successful. If not set, the instance has not become active. Output only.
lifecycle_state LifecycleState
Output only. The state of the phone number instance in its lifecycle.
range PhoneNumberRange
Output only. If this resource represents a range of phone numbers, this field will be set and will contain the details of the range. If this field is unset, this resource represents a single phone number.
regulatory_listing string
Output only. The regulatory listing associated with this phone number instance. This field specifies the end-user that is using this resource. The requirements for regulatory listings varies depending on the region and type of phone number. Of the form projects/*/regulatoryListings/*.
compliant boolean
Output only. Whether this phone number instance is compliant with the regulations for phone numbers that Enfonica has inferred. The value of this field is not a substitute for independent legal advice and should be used as a guide only.

Resource: PhoneNumber

The PhoneNumber resource.

name string
Resource name of the phone number. It must match the pattern phoneNumbers/*
phone_number string
The phone number, in +E164 format.
capabilities[] PhoneNumberCapability
The capabilities of the phone number.
sku string
The SKU that will be used to bill the phone number for the monthly service charge. In the form services/*/skus/*. Output only.
activation_sku string
The SKU that will be used to bill the phone number for the once-off activation charge. In the form services/*/skus/*. If not set, there is no activation charge. Output only.
number_type PhoneNumberType
The type of phone number.
country_code string
The alpha-2 country code that identifies the country associated with the phone number.


Lifecycle states of phone number instances.

LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified lifecycle state.
ACTIVE The phone number instance is active and can be used.
DELETED The phone number instance has been deleted.
SUSPENDED The phone number instance has been suspended.
PENDING Activation for this phone number instance is pending, possibly because the associated phone number is awaiting port in.

This state is used when the associated phone number has not yet been activated (ie its activate_time is not set).


The trigger to start call recording.

RECORDING_TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified recording trigger.
DISABLED Recording is disabled for calls to this phone number instance.
ANSWER Recording will begin when calls to this phone number instance are answered.
BRIDGE Recording will begin when calls to this phone number instance are bridged. This won't include any messages or menus played before the call was bridged. This is useful if you want to record only conversations.


Describes a phone number range.

A phone number range is a group of phone number instances that are managed by a primary phone number instance representing the first phone number in the range.

Phone number ranges simplify the management of multiple contiguous phone numbers.

primary_phone_number_instance string
The resource name of the primary phone number instance of the range.
start_phone_number string
The first phone number in the range.
end_phone_number string
The last phone number in the range.
size int32
The total quantity of phone numbers in the range.


A capability of a phone number.

PHONE_NUMBER_CAPABILITY_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified phone number capability.
SMS The phone number is capable of SMS.
MMS The phone number is capable of MMS.
VOICE The phone number is capable of voice.


The type of phone number.

PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified phone number type.
LOCAL The phone number is a local phone number and corresponds to a specific geography within a country.
NATIONAL The phone number is a national phone number and is independent of geography within a country.
MOBILE The phone number is a mobile-only phone number and is independent of geography within a country.
TOLL_FREE The phone number is a toll-free number, where the caller can call the number typically without any cost to the caller.
SHARED_RATE The phone number is a shared-rate number, where both the caller and holder of the phone number both typically share in the cost of calls to the phone number.


Request to create a new phone number instance.

parent string
Required. The project under which to create the phone number instance in the form projects/*.
phone_number_instance PhoneNumberInstance
Required. The phone number resource to be created. At minimum, you must supply phone_number.phone_number.


The GetPhoneNumberInstance request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the phone number instance to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.


The ListPhoneNumberInstances request.

parent string
Required. The project under which to list phone number instance, in the form projects/*.
page_size int32
The maximum number of phone number instance to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListPhoneNumberInstances that indicates where this listing should continue from.
prefix string
The prefix, either in E164 or 0NSN, of numbers to retrieve.
include_deleted boolean
Whether to include deleted phone numbers in the response. Defaults to false.


The ListPhoneNumberInstances response.

phone_number_instances[] PhoneNumberInstance
A possibly paginated list of phone number instance that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListPhoneNumberInstances that indicates from where listing should continue.


The request message for updating a phonenumberinstance's properties.

name string
Required. The name of the phone number instance to be updated. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.
phone_number_instance PhoneNumberInstance
Required. The new definition of the PhoneNumberInstance.
update_mask google.protobuf.FieldMask
Fields to be updated.


The DeletePhoneNumberInstance request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the phone number instance to be deleted. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.


The MovePhoneNumberInstance request message.

name string
Required. The name of the phone number instance to move. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.
destination_parent string
Required. The new parent project to move the phone number instance to. Must be of the form projects/*.
regulatory_listing string
Output only. The regulatory listing in the destination project to associate with this phone number instance. The requirements for regulatory listings varies depending on the region and type of phone number. Of the form projects/*/regulatoryListings/*.


The SplitRange request message.

phone_number_instance string
Required. The name of the phone number instance to split. It must represent a range. Must be of the form projects/*/phoneNumberInstances/*.
size int32
Required. The quantity of numbers to keep in the range of the specified phone number instance. The remaining numbers will be moved to a new range.


The SplitRange response message.

first PhoneNumberInstance
The first range, representing the phone number instance that was split.
second PhoneNumberInstance
The second range, representing the remaining phone numbers in the range.