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Service enfonica.voice.v1beta1.Aliases


rpc CreateAlias(CreateAliasRequest) returns (Alias)

Creates a alias.

The caller must have voice.aliases.create permission on the project.
rpc DeleteAlias(DeleteAliasRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty)

Deletes the specified alias.

The caller must have voice.aliases.delete permission on the project.
rpc GetAlias(GetAliasRequest) returns (Alias)

Retrieves a alias identified by the supplied resource name.

The caller must have voice.aliases.get permission on the project.
rpc ListAliases(ListAliasesRequest) returns (ListAliasesResponse)

Lists all Aliases. List returns alias sorted by create_time descending.

The caller must have voice.aliases.list permission on the project.
rpc UpdateAlias(UpdateAliasRequest) returns (Alias)

Updates a alias.

The caller must have voice.aliases.update permission on the project.

Resource: Alias

The Alias resource.

name string
Resource name of the alias. It must match the pattern projects/{project_id}/sipDomains/{sip_domain_id}/aliases/{alias_id}
alias_id string
Output only. A convenience field for the alias_id component of the resource name.

This forms the address of the alias, of the form: {alias}@{fqdn}.
display_name string
The display name of the alias for use in the UI. Max length 100 characters.
load_balancer_config LoadBalancerConfig
Config the alias as a load balancer.
address string
Output only. The address represented by this alias. It will be of the form {alias}@{fqdn}.
create_time google.protobuf.Timestamp
Output only. The creation time of the alias.


The configuration of an origination load balancer.

endpoints[] LoadBalancerEndpoint
The endpoints that are included in the load balancer. May contain a maximum of 10 endpoints.
failover_call_handler_uris[] string
The failover URIs to execute in case all endpoints do not work.

This is useful for configuring disaster recovery for your incoming calls, and can direct to any supported endpoint type, including: programmable voice, Flow, SIP and tel URIs.


An endpoint that is part of a load balancer.

uri string
The SIP URI of the endpoint.
priority int32
The priority of the endpoint. Value must be in the range [0,65535]. Lower priority endpoints will be attempted first.
weight int32
The weighting to apply to this endpoint when selecting endpoints. Endpoints of the same priority will be selected by weighted randomization using this value. Value must be in the range [1,65535]. Default value is 10.
enabled boolean
Whether this endpoint is enabled. If disabled, it won't be selected.


Request to create a new alias.

parent string
Required. The SIP domain under which to create the alias in the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.
alias Alias
Required. The alias resource to be created.
alias_id string
Required. The alias_id component of the resource name to create, which will be of the form projects/{project_id}/sipDomains/{sip_domain_id}/aliases/{alias_id}.

This also forms the address of the alias, of the form: {alias}@{sip_domain_id}

This must be lowercase alpha-numeric or hyphens and must start and end with an alpha-numeric character, and must be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 30 characters. This is captured in the following regular expression: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,28}[a-z0-9]$


The GetAlias request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the alias to retrieve. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*/aliases/*.


The ListAliases request.

parent string
Required. The SIP domain under which to list aliases, in the form projects/*/sipDomains/*.
page_size int32
The maximum number of aliases to return in the response. Default value of 10 and maximum value of 100.
page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListAliases that indicates where this listing should continue from.


The ListAliases response.

aliases[] Alias
A possibly paginated list of alias that are direct descendants of the specified parent resource.
next_page_token string
A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListAliases that indicates from where listing should continue.


The request message for updating a alias's properties.

alias Alias
Required. The new definition of the Alias.
update_mask google.protobuf.FieldMask
Fields to be updated.


The DeleteAlias request message.

name string
Required. The resource name of the alias to be deleted. Must be of the form projects/*/sipDomains/*/aliases/*.